Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

Whether your retirement is right around the corner or years away, we understand that planning for your future is crucial for your peace of mind. 

At CGA, we begin by developing an understanding of what you hope to accomplish during your retirement years. Whether it's traveling, purchasing a vacation home, or beginning the transition of wealth to your heirs, your team develops specific strategies to help you achieve your goals.

We also support you by introducing professionals who are knowledgeable in selling a business, transferring or gifting assets, and changing your investment strategy as you near retirement.

Steps may include:

  • Wealth Building Strategies
  • Cash Flow and Tax Minimization
  • Asset Protection Strategies
  • Retirement Income Distribution Planning
  • Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid Planning
  • Elder Care Planning


April 3, 2020Cga

Continuing Operations During the Coronavirus – We Are Still Here to Serve You

We want you to know that we are still up and running during the Coronavirus crisis. We are considered to be an “essential service” according to the New York State guidelines. In order to keep everyone safe, healthy, and informed, we are providing you a combination of remote and on-site services.

April 3, 2020Cga

NYS Unemployment and Pandemic Assistance Due to COVID-19

Please be aware that under the CARES Act, New York State has expanded Unemployment Insurance Benefits related to COVID-19 to provide additional benefits and allow additional categories traditionally not covered. The following information gives a brief summary of the main benefits offered and links to pertinent information to help you apply from the NYS Department of Labor website.